Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 20, 21 Day Challenge!

Oh my! Only one day left of this challenge. I hope I can stay on track. It's so good when you are held accountable. I don't want to quit this awesome habit of daily meditation on the WOrD! Here's my creative page for my journal for today. I'll miss the 21-ers at 2Ps! I hope to start a group of my with my worship team. I'm going to make them each a journal of one of our passages we sing...I'll start with the 23rd Psalm...who knows...maybe I'll do all three that we sing at our Worship With the WorD sets! FUN!

Today's quote so beautifully parallels the scripture in 2 Corinthians 4:17. This always helps me to press on and embrace the difficulties in EterNaL WeiGhT of GlOrY!!! What could be better???

1 comment:

dianna said...

Beautiful work...every one of them*!*